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Laura Crowder

Superstar Consultant


My Story

My story is one of perservance. I was asked several times by my sister in law to join Scentsy. The day after my husband's 40th birthday I decided i would join. I was all excited and ready to go. I had a launch party and no one came. But I had certain goals I wanted to make. My first goal was to hit the shooting star incentive. And i did, by going to different people and having several small parties or individual orders to meet my Shooting Star goal. I had a few parties and then wondered where to go from there.One afternoon I was talking to a mom of one my son's friends from cub scout and football. She was in her car with a friend and the friend's daughter-in-law. I had given the mom a scent sample the night before and she was all excited and ready to order just from the scent sample. We were in the parking lot and the two ladies were giving me their order. The lady in the back took one of the samples "Peach Cobble cinnamon" and the next day she called me and told me she had to have a party. She loved the scent and that was that. Her party to this day is still my highest. From her party, I got several bookings and my Scentsy business was on its way. So you never know who will do a party for you and where it will go from there. She has since become a good friend too. Also I have been to so many places I never thought I would have gone to. I have been to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and a cruise to the Bahamas on leadership retreats. I have also taken my husband to Hawaii having earned that trip as an incentive. I have enjoyed all the travel that I have been blessed to do with Scentsy and can't wait to see where else Scentsy will take me and my family. Now I have a wonderful team and a wonderful base of customers and a wonderful Scentsy business. Won't join you me on my Scentsy journey either as a customer, a hostess or a member of my team. Scentsy Spirit!!! <!--endbody-->

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